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Topic: 2024 Sunset Bay Angler Of The Day Kayak Fishing Challenge  (Read 3757 times)

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  • Teutrowenia pellucida (Googly-eyed glass squid)
  • Sturgeon
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  • Paul
  • My Facebook page
  • Location: Eugene, OR
  • Date Registered: Sep 2008
  • Posts: 2450
Six days until the 2024 Sunset Bay Kayak Fishing Challenge!

14th Annual Sunset Bay Angler of the Day Kayak Fishing Challenge 2024 SBAOTD
The Sunset Bay Angler of the Day Kayak Fishing Challenge is an annual human powered kayak only fishing competition held on the ocean near Coos Bay Oregon. This year's 14th annual tournament is set for Saturday, August 10th, 2024.
Pre-registration is required to compete. The entry fee is $35. The registration cut-off will be for 50 competitors or at a date determined by the event coordinators. Contact Erik at browneyesvictim@yahoo.com to pay your entry fee to Erik's PayPal. Use PayPal "Friends & Family" mode when making payment. The first 35 contestants to pay their entry fee will receive a Captain's Bag.
Stephen Hatler has reserved the Bastendorff County Park group site campground, 63377 Bastendorf Beach Road, Coos Bay, OR 97420. Let Steve know if you're interested in camping. Arriving Friday, the 9th and leaving Sunday the 11th. Maybe Tuesday the 13th if at least 10 commit.
SBAOTD 2024 Rules:
We have a perfect safety record and want to keep it that way. Proper immersion gear and flying a safety flag are mandatory. If you show up in street clothes you will be disqualified.
Radio communications are required. Marine VHF Channel 69 is the designated communication channel for the event and will be monitored by event staff ashore should an emergency arise. If you haven't fished Sunset Bay or the ocean before, find an experienced person with a radio and ask them to help you out and keep an eye on you.
All participants must have registered with the event coordinators, signed the liability waiver and receive a poker chip to participate.
The launch site is at Sunset Bay State Park. The fishing area is from Baltimore Rock to the north down to the south end of Simpson Reef.
The tournament starts at first light. First light is 5:46 am, official sunrise is 6:14 am.
The competition ends at 2:00 pm. Anyone not in line for check-in by 2:00 pm will be disqualified. Be on time. Don't make us call the Coast Guard to search for you!
This is a point-based competition with points per inch values assigned to each category. Only the largest fish of each designated category will be counted. Bring your largest fish of each category for official measurement when you check in. The angler with the most points wins! This competition will test your skill as an angler as you have to target different species with different techniques to be successful.
Point system:
Chinook 4 points (https://www.dfw.state.or.us/MRP/salmon/)
Coho 5 points
Greenling 10 points
Halibut 4 points (https://www.dfw.state.or.us/.../halibut/management.asp)
Other Flatfish 8 points
Lingcod 5 points
Rockfish, all species 8 points (Canary & Quillback prohibited)
Perch 12 points
Cabezon 7 points - retention of cabezon opened on July 1st. (https://myodfw.com/sport-bottomfish-seasons)
There are three winner categories:
1. Multi-species category: 1st, 2nd & 3rd place anglers with the most cumulative points.
2. Angler with the largest single fish.
3. Tournament of Champions: Anglers who have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in previous year's multi-species contest will be eligible to compete in this category. Cumulative points for the largest perch and greenling will determine the winner of this category.
SBAOTD 2024 Agenda:
8/9 Friday, 6:00 pm - Captains meeting: Participants meet at the shelter in the group camp site in the campground at Bastendorff County Park. (NOT THE GAZEBO IN THE DAY USE AREA). Be here to check in for the tournament. This is where you will sign your waiver and get a poker chip and get your captains bag (first 35). The tournament coordinators will have a few words with any last-minute updates and recognize our sponsors as well as answer any questions.
• Drawing tickets will also be available for purchase. Tickets will also be available during the potluck prior to the awards ceremony. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5. 100% of the money for this drawing will be donated to Heroes on the Water.
8/10 Saturday, 5:30 am - Be ready, tournament starts at first light.
• Sunset Bay boat launch area is officially open at sunrise. The gate will be closed and unlocked by park staff in the morning. First light is 5:46 am, official sunrise is 6:14 am.
• Radio communication is required to participate. If you don't have a radio, fish with a buddy who does.
2:00 pm - Fish measure check-in ends. Don't be late!
• Bring your fish to be measured to the check-in station at the picnic area closest to the launch. All entries must be measured to qualify. You must check-in even if you are not measuring in any fish.
• You must have checked in your fish or be present (standing in line) at the fish measuring station at 2 pm or you will be disqualified.
• Don’t forget to turn in your poker chip for the drawing.
5:00 pm - Potluck
• Bring donated fish for the fish fry to the marked cooler located at the shelter in the group camp site at Bastendorff County Park. Please bring cleaned fillets only. The earlier the better! Please remember to keep your fish on ice for food safety and the quality of the eats! Fish cleaning stations are located at Bastendorff County Park, Sunset Bay State Park and at Charleston Marina.
• The potluck and fish fry will commence in the shelter located in the group site adjacent to the restrooms at Bastendorff County Park.
• We will have a fish fry/taco feed. Please bring a dish to contribute to the potluck- salad, side dish, desert, etc. We always have an awesome feast! The cooking will be coordinated and conducted by the usual crew of cooks again this year. Volunteers for food prep & setup are always welcome!
• Gluten free options are welcome will need to be clearly marked (battered fish, tortillas, etc.)
• Bring a lawn chair and your own beverages.
• Cleanup - the potluck area must be cleaned up prior to the commencement of the awards ceremony. Please take what you brought and help clean up and dispose of all trash in the appropriate bins.
6:00 pm - Awards Ceremony
• The awards ceremony will be presented by one or more of the event coordinators.
• Prizes will be called out and the contributing sponsor recognized for the contribution and a photograph taken to memorialize the award.
• The top 3 multi-species anglers will get their choice of a prize, then the angler with the largest fish, followed by the Tournament of Champions winner. After that, we start the chip drawing. You will receive a poker chip with a number on it when you sign the safety waiver, we will collect them after you sign. The top 5 anglers in the 3 categories will not be eligible for a chip prize unless we have a second round of chip draws. We will draw tickets for prize packages until we run out of tickets. If there are prizes left after the ticket drawing, we'll have a second round of chip draws until all the prizes are depleted. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5. 100% of the money for this drawing will be donated to Heroes on the Water. Please open up your wallets and buy a lot of tickets, it goes to a great cause!
Good luck, be safe, have fun! See less

Event FB link - https://fb.me/e/45qNBHr5n


  • Teutrowenia pellucida (Googly-eyed glass squid)
  • Sturgeon
  • *******
  • Paul
  • My Facebook page
  • Location: Eugene, OR
  • Date Registered: Sep 2008
  • Posts: 2450
You can see more related maps & such in my gallery. I'll also post them to this thread on request.

Launch point at Sunset Bay State Park boat ramp.

Group camp at Bastendorff Beach County Park


  • Salmon
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  • Location: Salem Oregon
  • Date Registered: Oct 2015
  • Posts: 520
I’m excited about this! It would be way cooler if I still had the freedom to take a week or two off work to camp, pick summer chanterelles, spend time nailing chinook at gold beach, and pre fishing for the tournament 🤣
I’m excited to come for the weekend though


  • Salmon
  • ******
  • Location: Beaverton, OR
  • Date Registered: Aug 2015
  • Posts: 831
Excited to join this year.  Look forward to the competition.
2021 1st Place ORC
2023 1st Place ORC


  • Teutrowenia pellucida (Googly-eyed glass squid)
  • Sturgeon
  • *******
  • Paul
  • My Facebook page
  • Location: Eugene, OR
  • Date Registered: Sep 2008
  • Posts: 2450
14th Annual Sunset Bay Angler of the Day Kayak Fishing Challenge 2024 SBAOTD

The Sunset Bay Angler of the Day Kayak Fishing Challenge is an annual human powered kayak only fishing competition held on the ocean near Coos Bay Oregon. This year's 14th annual tournament is set for Saturday, August 10th, 2024.
Pre-registration is required to compete. The entry fee is $35. The registration cut-off will be for 50 competitors or at a date determined by the event coordinators. Contact Erik at browneyesvictim@yahoo.com to pay your entry fee to Erik's PayPal. Use PayPal "Friends & Family" mode when making payment. The first 35 contestants to pay their entry fee will receive a Captain's Bag.
Stephen Hatler has reserved the Bastendorff County Park group site campground, 63377 Bastendorf Beach Road, Coos Bay, OR 97420. Arriving Friday, the 9th and leaving Tuesday the 13th.

SBAOTD 2024 Rules:
We have a perfect safety record and want to keep it that way. Proper immersion gear and flying a safety flag are mandatory. If you show up in street clothes you will be disqualified.
Radio communications are required. Marine VHF Channel 69 is the designated communication channel for the event and will be monitored by event staff ashore should an emergency arise. If you haven't fished Sunset Bay or the ocean before, find an experienced person with a radio and ask them to help you out and keep an eye on you.
All participants must have registered with the event coordinators, signed the liability waiver and receive a poker chip to participate.
The launch site is at Sunset Bay State Park. The fishing area is from Baltimore Rock to the north down to the south end of Simpson Reef.

The tournament starts at first light. First light is 5:46 am, official sunrise is 6:14 am.
The competition ends at 2:00 pm. Anyone not in line for check-in by 2:00 pm will be disqualified. Be on time. Don't make us call the Coast Guard to search for you!

This is a point-based competition with points per inch values assigned to each category. Only the largest fish of each designated category will be counted. Bring your largest fish of each category for official measurement when you check in. The angler with the most points wins! This competition will test your skill as an angler as you have to target different species with different techniques to be successful.
Point system:
Chinook 4 points (https://www.dfw.state.or.us/MRP/salmon/)
Coho 5 points
Greenling 10 points
Halibut 4 points (https://www.dfw.state.or.us/.../halibut/management.asp)
Other Flatfish 8 points
Lingcod 5 points
Rockfish, all species 8 points (Quillback & Yelloweye prohibited)
Perch 12 points

Cabezon 7 points - retention of cabezon opened on July 1st. (https://myodfw.com/sport-bottomfish-seasons)
There are three winner categories:
1. Multi-species category: 1st, 2nd & 3rd place anglers with the most cumulative points.
2. Angler with the largest single fish.
3. Tournament of Champions: Anglers who have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in previous year's multi-species contest will be eligible to compete in this category. Cumulative points for the largest perch and greenling will determine the winner of this category.

SBAOTD 2024 Agenda:
8/9 Friday, 6:00 pm - Captains meeting: Participants meet at the shelter in the group camp site in the campground at Bastendorff County Park. (NOT THE GAZEBO IN THE DAY USE AREA). Be here to check in for the tournament. This is where you will sign your waiver and get a poker chip and get your captains bag (first 35). The tournament coordinators will have a few words with any last-minute updates and recognize our sponsors as well as answer any questions.
• Drawing tickets will also be available for purchase. Tickets will also be available during the potluck prior to the awards ceremony. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5. 100% of the money for this drawing will be donated to Heroes on the Water.
8/10 Saturday, 5:30 am - Be ready, tournament starts at first light.
• Sunset Bay boat launch area is officially open at sunrise. The gate will be closed and unlocked by park staff in the morning. First light is 5:46 am, official sunrise is 6:14 am.
• Radio communication is required to participate. If you don't have a radio, fish with a buddy who does.
2:00 pm - Fish measure check-in ends. Don't be late!
• Bring your fish to be measured to the check-in station at the picnic area closest to the launch. All entries must be measured to qualify. You must check-in even if you are not measuring in any fish.
• You must have checked in your fish or be present (standing in line) at the fish measuring station at 2 pm or you will be disqualified.
• Don’t forget to turn in your poker chip for the drawing.
5:00 pm - Potluck
• Bring donated fish for the fish fry to the marked cooler located at the shelter in the group camp site at Bastendorff County Park. Please bring cleaned fillets only. The earlier the better! Please remember to keep your fish on ice for food safety and the quality of the eats! Fish cleaning stations are located at Bastendorff County Park, Sunset Bay State Park and at Charleston Marina.
• The potluck and fish fry will commence in the shelter located in the group site adjacent to the restrooms at Bastendorff County Park.
• We will have a fish fry/taco feed. Please bring a dish to contribute to the potluck- salad, side dish, desert, etc. We always have an awesome feast! The cooking will be coordinated and conducted by the usual crew of cooks again this year. Volunteers for food prep & setup are always welcome!
• Gluten free options are welcome will need to be clearly marked (battered fish, tortillas, etc.)
• Bring a lawn chair and your own beverages.
• Cleanup - the potluck area must be cleaned up prior to the commencement of the awards ceremony. Please take what you brought and help clean up and dispose of all trash in the appropriate bins.
6:00 pm - Awards Ceremony
• The awards ceremony will be presented by one or more of the event coordinators.
• Prizes will be called out and the contributing sponsor recognized for the contribution and a photograph taken to memorialize the award.
• The top 3 multi-species anglers will get their choice of a prize, then the angler with the largest fish, followed by the Tournament of Champions winner. After that, we start the chip drawing. You will receive a poker chip with a number on it when you sign the safety waiver, we will collect them after you sign. The top 5 anglers in the 3 categories will not be eligible for a chip prize unless we have a second round of chip draws.

We will draw tickets for prize packages until we run out of tickets. If there are prizes left after the ticket drawing, we'll have a second round of chip draws until all the prizes are depleted. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5. 100% of the money for this drawing will be donated to Heroes on the Water. Please open up your wallets and buy a lot of tickets, it goes to a great cause!

Good luck, be safe, have fun! See less


  • Teutrowenia pellucida (Googly-eyed glass squid)
  • Sturgeon
  • *******
  • Paul
  • My Facebook page
  • Location: Eugene, OR
  • Date Registered: Sep 2008
  • Posts: 2450
The Bastendorff County Park campsites are full. https://www.co.coos.or.us/parksrec/page/bastendorff
The first 35 people to pay their entry fee will receive a Captain's bag. Contact Erik at browneyesvictim@yahoo.com to pay your entry fee to Erik's PayPal. Use PayPal "Friends & Family" mode when making payment. Alternative payment method can be arranged by emailing Erik at browneyesvictim@yahoo.com.


  • Teutrowenia pellucida (Googly-eyed glass squid)
  • Sturgeon
  • *******
  • Paul
  • My Facebook page
  • Location: Eugene, OR
  • Date Registered: Sep 2008
  • Posts: 2450
Six days until the 2024 SBAOTD.
Big thank you to all our sponsors & shout out to Dr. Steelhead Catcher For donating the fish finder and Jed Rivera for donating the Stealth QR-2 rod older with rail mount & the Skeleton Optics sunglasses.

2024 SBAOTD Sponsors List

Addicted Fishing                           https://addicted.fishing
Angler Innovations                       https://www.anglerinnovations.com
Bending Branches                        https://bendingbranches.com
Bioenno Power                            https://www.bioennopower.com/collections/lifepo4-batteries-for-marine-fishing-kayak-applications
Big Hammer Swimbaits                https://www.swimbait.com
Bite's On Bait & Tackle                 https://www.facebook.com/thebiteson
Cabela's Springfield OR                https://www.cabelas.com
Caddis Fly Shop                          https://www.caddisflyshop.com
Calcutta Outdoors                       https://www.calcuttaoutdoors.com
Chef's Store Eugene                    https://www.chefstore.com/locations/store/eugene-533
Columbia River Knife & Tool Co.    https://www.crkt.com/
Costco Eugene                            https://www.costco.com/warehouse-locations/eugene-or-17.html
Dale Nicol                                   NWKA Dr. Steelhead Catcher
DMF Bait                                    https://dmfbait.com
Englund Marine Charleston          https://www.englundmarine.com
Eugene Skin Divers Supply          https://www.eugeneskindivers.com
Grocery Outlet Eugene                https://www.groceryoutlet.com
Happy Paddlin'                           https://happypaddlin.com
Harrod Outdoors, LLC                 https://harrodoutdoors.com
I-Tek Skwoosh                           https://skwoosh.com/kayak-fishing-cushions
Jed Rivera                                 https://www.facebook.com/BrownleeCrappieShootout
ICEMULE Coolers                       https://icemulecoolers.com/
Lancer Jigs                                https://lancerjigs.com
Leg Luggage                              https://www.legluggage.com
Lunkerhunt                                https://lunkerhunt.com
M & T Custom Fishing Tackle       https://www.facebook.com/mandtackle
Mazama Sporting Goods             https://mazamasportinggoods.com/fishing
Oregon Paddle Sports                 https://www.oregonpaddlesports.com
Outdoor Emporium/Sportco         https://sportco.com
Pacific Coast Construction           https://www.facebook.com/PCC
Pro-Cure Bait Scents                  https://www.pro-cure.com
ReRack Portland                        https://www.rerack.com
Smokehouse Products               https://www.smokehouseproducts.com
Stealth Rod Holders                  https://stealthmoderodholders.com
Stryker Rods & Blanks              https://strykerrods.us
Suspenz Storage & Transport    https://suspenz.com
Werner Paddles                       https://wernerpaddles.com
Work Sharp Tools                    https://www.worksharptools.com
Yak-Power                              https://yak-power.com

Captain Redbeard

  • Lauren
  • Global Moderator
  • Sturgeon
  • *****
  • Location: Portland, OR
  • Date Registered: May 2013
  • Posts: 3327
Rules question:

For rockfish scoring, the rules state "Rockfish, all species 8 points (Canary & Quillback prohibited)".

Is that supposed to read "... (Yelloweye and Quillback prohibited)"?

Canary are legal this year, only quillback and yelloweye are prohibited unless I missed an update.


I ask because I've caught some pretty nice canary rockfish... I'd hate to throw them back if I don't have to.  ;D


  • Salmon
  • ******
  • Location: Eugene, OR
  • Date Registered: Jul 2020
  • Posts: 688
Good question!

I was wondering about regulations for hooks for Chinook in Coos bay itself?
A day without fishing probably wouldn't kill me,
but why risk it?

2nd Place AOTY 2024

Tied for largest fish, and 5th place overall SBAOTD 2024

3rd Place AOTY 2023
3rd Place ORC 2023
1st Place Team Event BCS 2023
12th Place Individual BCS 2023

2nd Place AOTY 2022
1st Place Tiny Fish Slam 2022

2007 Red Hobie Outback "Serenity"
2021 Camo Hobie Outback "Lagertha"


  • Salmon
  • ******
  • Location: Florence, Oregon
  • Date Registered: Jul 2008
  • Posts: 954
Yep, Yelloweye and Quillback are prohibited!
Fishing is much more than fish.  It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers.  ~Herbert Hoover

Captain Redbeard

  • Lauren
  • Global Moderator
  • Sturgeon
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  • Location: Portland, OR
  • Date Registered: May 2013
  • Posts: 3327
Yep, Yelloweye and Quillback are prohibited!

I understand that those are the rules in Oregon, my question was if canary rockfish are allowed in the competition. I think so, as I think it was just a typo.


  • Teutrowenia pellucida (Googly-eyed glass squid)
  • Sturgeon
  • *******
  • Paul
  • My Facebook page
  • Location: Eugene, OR
  • Date Registered: Sep 2008
  • Posts: 2450
Yep, Yelloweye and Quillback are prohibited!

I understand that those are the rules in Oregon, my question was if canary rockfish are allowed in the competition. I think so, as I think it was just a typo.
You're right, I meant yelloweye. Canary rockfish are allowed. Thanks

Captain Redbeard

  • Lauren
  • Global Moderator
  • Sturgeon
  • *****
  • Location: Portland, OR
  • Date Registered: May 2013
  • Posts: 3327
You're right, I meant yelloweye. Canary rockfish are allowed. Thanks

Great, thanks Paul! Looking forward to seeing you.


  • Teutrowenia pellucida (Googly-eyed glass squid)
  • Sturgeon
  • *******
  • Paul
  • My Facebook page
  • Location: Eugene, OR
  • Date Registered: Sep 2008
  • Posts: 2450
You're right, I meant yelloweye. Canary rockfish are allowed. Thanks

Great, thanks Paul! Looking forward to seeing you.
See you soon


  • Rockfish
  • ****
  • Date Registered: Dec 2009
  • Posts: 126
What a weekend!! It was wonderful to see so many kayaks out on the ocean for this worthy event. It was very nice to meet folks out on the water and to be able to meet so many other anglers. Congratulations to the organizers for a well run tourney and for gathering such wonderful prizes. A big shout out to the cooks for the potluck, my waistline will take a while to recover from all of the wonderful food.
And the best part is that I have a bunch of fresh fish to bring home! 
All of this and the proceeds went to a very worthy cause, Heroes on the Water!! Cant wait until next year!!