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Topic: akfishergal  (Read 3250 times)

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  • Location: Anchorage, AK
  • Date Registered: Oct 2011
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Otherwise known as Pam.

I’m another newcomer to kayak fishing, though I’ve been fishing and kayaking for quite a long time. I was lucky enough to start fishing in Alaska when I arrived here nearly 30 years ago, and since then have floated and fished some amazing waters – from the Koyukuk River from its headwaters in the Brooks Range to the famed Rio Malleo in Patagonia. The vast majority of my fishing days have been spent with a fly rod in freshwater, the more remote the better. I’m the kind who always has a rod handy – in her backpack, as her carryon luggage, in her car.  Now I’m turning my attention to our saltwater fisheries.  Because I often enjoy the outdoors solo, kayak fishing seemed like a natural avenue to develop new range in my favorite pastime.  I won’t catch the most fish, or the best fish, or the biggest fish – but I’ll have the most fun that can safely be had trying to do all of those things.

I’m not too big on trophy shots, but dug out this one from the past when I caught my first King – not a Kenai River monster, but a very respectable fish from the Talkeetna River. 

I’m a very happily married woman (32 years!) who retired from her university professorship early to provide care for my dear old mom through her final years with Alzheimer’s Disease. Let’s just say that I alternately fish or ski to maintain my sanity and good humor through this experience.

Romanian Redneck

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Great intro Pam and its nice to meet you. :)

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- Jeff Foxworthy


  • iHoppa
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Wow, that's not a trophy shot!? I need to fly to Alaska for some of your small fry.

Really great to meet you, does hubby yak fish? If not, teach him!

Having just spent 4 of the past six years caring for my folks I will say that it's the toughest and most precious time. I miss them and am thankful for our time together.

Please don't neglect to take time to treasure your mom and don't try to do this alone. Get support and get out on the water and recharge regularly.

Bless you much!

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"Of all the things that wisdom provides to help one live one's entire life in happiness, the greatest by far is the possession of friendship." Epicurus

Hobie Tandem Island. OK Tetra 12, Jackson Coosa


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Hubs hasn't tried it yet, but he's been sniffing around that new Revo in the garage with growing interest. He's more inclined to fly out to some very remote river and float it for a week or ten days or whenever the pilot can get in to the pick-up point. At the moment, I don't have the luxury of that much time. He is still doing those trips every year, with my enthusiastic blessing. We each have an Aire Lynx inflatible kayak which is perfect for those sorts of trips.  I'm looking forward to the days when we can resume our exploration of Alaskan rivers together, but that's going to be in the future.

You get it, IslandHoppa. It's a real privilege for me to be able to do what I do for my mother. I've been taking care of her since my dad passed five years ago. We're pretty fortunate, in that I was able to step away from the working world to take charge of things. But it's not a solo effort -- I've got lots of caregiving staff to rely on so that I'm not on 24/7/365. Pretty early on this path I realized that wasn't a sustainable plan.

Now can you think of a better way to maintain balance and equanimity than fishing hard, fishing often, and fishing in Alaska where non-trophies like mine can be had with just a bit of effort? Yep, you need to get on up here to sample a little of our heaven.

AK Yak Atak

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 Nice to meet you on the forum! I usually just surf the posts and come to a little life around this time and on the alaskan private fishing reports. Looking forward to seeing you out there. Hearing we all may meet at the Sports Show over the weekend.
The best way to a fisherman's heart is through his fly.


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Hey there and welcome!!!

Alaska is a pretty amazing place, hope to go back soon.
Cobra F-n-Dive / Hobie Pro Angler 14

Mark Collett

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   Welcome to the forum.We look forward to your adventures in the "Great Land".There are quite a few folks in Alaska that are coming onboard here.Glad to see the growth.
   I hope you get/make the chance to fish with kardinal-84.His enthusiasm is really contagious.He has come a long way in only a year of this addiction.Besides that he's a fun guy out on the water.
   Maybe I'll be able to make a side trip to some of my favorite haunts in Alaska between hitches on the North Slope and join up with you Alaskan's on the salt or rivers.
   Best of luck this year to us all................
Life is short---live it tall.

Be kinder than necessary--- everyone is fighting some kind of battle.

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She has no wrath to vent. Nor does she have a hand in kindness to extend.
She is merely there, immense, powerful, and indifferent


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Yes, nice intro and welcome.

 Yes, you are very lucky to be able to care for your mother. My mother passed away just after Christmas, and I was glad to be able to spend some time with her before she left. Over the last two years, she suffered a couple of heart attacks, then had a "mini-stroke" and fell and broke her hip, requiring a replacement. Mom then had a stroke which left her paralyzed. She went downhill fast from there. She would nearly be recovered from one condition when she got slammed by something else. She was nearly 91. My dad was her major in-home care giver, but he had professionals coming in to help 5 days a week. My brother and I tried to help as much as we could, and be there when we could.
Now, my dad needs some help adjusting, but he seems to be doing OK. I am getting back to my fishing game.